What is Covid19, Really What is it? – The Two-Meter Death Gap

Suddenly there emerged a disease we know nothing of! How to control it, how long its staying, whether one day it could go away for good or not, or leave and return later, whether immunity from it lasts or go back to gain momentum and resurface?

Flu has been known to be spread through coughing, sneezing or talking.  If Covid19 is a flu, why are we safe to breath in and out the same air within a two-meter gap?  Does it die in the air?  How can we all be packed in a supermarket, even at a two-meter gap of life, and not easily get it by just breathing the air around us filled with people’s coughs and sneezes? And who knows how many in that supermarket have it, considering the high numbers?  How can we be in the same room at home, or at work with windows closed and us breathing and still never catch it if we maintain the two-meter gap of life?  Is Covid19 a two-meter gap threat to humanity? that only attacks its victims within some space?  It is a space invasion, despite its cruel blood thirsty intentions, answer to personal boundaries or abuse whether indoors or outdoors.  Could finally unwanted touches be minimised, and children not touched inappropriately by predators, some of them living in the same house. Has this killer disease also been an unrealistic automatic answer to some problems, despite its grievous intentions to depopulate?  Will Covid19 boundaries be maintained once its long gone? and be looked at in a positive way that initiated advancement of stopping unwanted touches?  Have some been taught the deadliest way to keep their hands to themselves?  Has laying hands on vulnerable people been minimised the hard way.  I know it is an unwanted deadly unfathomed disease, I hate it too!, but what is Covid19, really what is it?  Can something that kills mercilessly have a positive side? Surely, there is never a positive side to murder. So, what is Covid19? Really what is it? How can in a world of relationships a virus imposes social distancing creamed with deadly slogan of a two-meter gap of life, encouraging a die alone, live alone, suffer alone? Who knows what Covid19 really is? I guess we will never know, meanwhile we just stick to the government rules on how to control this strange disease that strangely appeared, hoping it will strangely leave us alone.