Kick-Off – Final 3rd Year #Law Student Diaries (Part 12)

24.09.19 – 3rd Year (Part 12)

Here we go rolling again. I made it! Its been a roller coaster ride. We start again, this time differently, it will be over soon in May 2020. It sounds far but honestly just around the corner, hence my count-down clock in place.

Remember I talked about transferring to Essex 3rd year?. They did offer me place but confirmation was too late to start making any arrangements and had some health issues going on to start sorting accommodation and moving under pressure. So I get to stay, after-all its just a year to go. As much as I love Essex its off the list now because of LPC to be done in London, ouuch!. So am heading back to the fast life in London, for now can’t be avoided. It might change, I’m a Saggittarian by nature and so might end up somewhere else, Brussels keeps crossing my mind and making me curious😊.

So we kicked off with an early induction, holidays cut short, temp jobs cast on the side, last morning sleep-in scheduled interrupted! Holiday’s over, there’s no choice. But, bring it on! the heart has set its goal!

I pretty much like working on my own if I had a choice. If you have done group work, you might relate to the pros and cons. But at University level there is a lot of that, groups. If you are not a groupie person there is no way out but to adjust and turn your self into one. The benefits are massive, well, the cons can weigh. Follow up for my feelings on this as it happens. Just mine not others, I wouldn’t go there.

I’m on it, all ready! have been on it over the summer holiday, despite the beneficial temping at James Cook University Hospital. That is looking into the coming subjects just familiarising myself with them. Well, i want to be a Solicitor, and maybe a Barrister in the long run.

I have taken Medical Law, Corporate Law, in addition to Law Clinic and of course the long waited for Dissertation. Summer holiday a busk on some of that, research. I chose Medical Law because I want to specialise in negligence, especially Clinical. After two years contract and LPC I want to go solo, have my own firm and so Corporate Law has got my back there. But, I’m keeping in mind things change I might end up doing something else different.

The advantages of being a mature student is that you are immune to peer pressure and you are usually thinking of what to cook for dinner when others worry about what to wear. This family responsibility doesn’t give one a break, it runs through the adult veins. The fact that you have done it for a long time, years and gotten so used to them and they part of you, you carry that everywhere you go. I guess there is a point when you get older that fear of things like peer pressure, groupies, etc that normally young people feel don’t affect you in any way. You can spend the whole day alone busy with other things and all feel so normal. While most young people struggle to glamour up in competition with the peers, most mature students had been through it all already and have only one goal, to focus, as long as they are presentable and clean you are good to go. There seem to be absolutely no intentions of competing with anyone or trying to please anyone. So you are safe and sound and have only time to concentrate on studies. I am the later. My daughter suggested she did some shopping for me to suit college dressing and merge, which we really had a good laugh about.

Any today 24th the final year begins. I feel prepared. The summer holiday was not a break for me, I dipped into research, mostly for my dissertation and Negligence. Its the unbelievable cases that got me very curious.

Unfortunately, poor health interfered with holiday plans, I was straining myself too much and was forced to put some breaks from studying. I was all soup and dumplings for while. My idea of relaxation is writing my books and ice skating but the later wasn’t accommodated, replaced by a temp job I talked about, and writing was my lullaby. All travel was cancelled due to poor health but the alternatives really worked, I got to clean the house and rearranged things. Left a small decorated corner for my fish tank. Hopefully I’ll be brave enough to fear coming home and find a dead fish floating, my reason for not having my lovely favourite fishy pets. At the moment I’m thinking of name that link with my Sanitarian attitude and style. So also had time to take a walk into Tees-side and got a clip of the strange inspiring positive move scary statue, let me know your thoughts:

Oh year in the midst of it all, i got a chance to tell you about my favourite book’s, The Contract, main characters descriptions and stories behind them. So when you get a chance let me know what you think.

Check out Part 13 (The Final Disrupted Chapter) of the Law Diaries Finale coming soon. Subscribe so you don’t miss out.